Toll Free: 877-4KY-ORTHO / (877) 459-6784

Toll Free: 877-4KY-ORTHO /
(877) 459-6784

Plan Your Visit 


Many patients come to us through referral from other physicians and practices. You may, however, make an appointment to see most of our doctors without a referral from another physician. While we want you to see the physician of your choice, the physicians availability may be limited because of scheduling conflicts.

If this happens, we will make arrangements for another Kentucky Orthopedic Clinic physician to see you. We ask that, whenever possible, a return appointment for regular checkups be made before you leave the clinic. Appointments by telephone should be made at least two weeks in advance. If you must cancel an appointment, please notify our office as soon as possible.

Our toll free number is 1-877-4KY-ORTHO or call the closest Kentucky Orthopedic Clinic office.

You may also request an appointment online from our website. Just click the button below.

Office Procedures

During your appointment, you will be asked about your medical history. Give some thought to what you want to tell your doctor and to what questions you need to ask. After your examination, your doctor may give you prescriptions, instructions, or other recommendations. We encourage you to ask questions. Your thorough understanding is very important to us.

When your visit is complete, the medical assistant will escort you to the check-out desk to schedule follow up appointments if necessary. Because statements and billing have become so expensive and because we do our best to keep all medical costs down, we ask that you pay any balance and copayments at check-in. We accept cash, personal checks, VISA or Master Card. Our staff will file your insurance claims at no charge. Please have your insurance information available when you come for a visit and keep copies of all billing information so you can follow up on claims with your insurance company if necessary.

HIPPA Notice

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you may get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

To View Kentucky Orthopedic Clinic HIPPA Notice click or tap the button below.